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HomeRegional UpdateCanada and CaribbeanGrand opening of Barbuda’s new airport

Grand opening of Barbuda’s new airport


Commonwealth _ Plans are in motion for the grand opening of Barbuda’s new airport, a critical development poised to accommodate international flights. Ambassador Lionel Hurst, Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister, shared updates with reporters, highlighting the completion of the 6,100-foot runway built at a cost exceeding US$14 million. He also mentioned plans to extend the runway by an additional 1,000 feet soon.

Hurst indicated that the airport is close to receiving the necessary certifications to commence operations, with final approval from the Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA) still pending. “We are about two weeks off from having the new airport in Barbuda receive all the certification necessary for it to operate,” Hurst stated. He underscored the government’s efforts to comply with ECCAA’s requirements, although he noted a weather system still needs to be installed. This equipment, currently in Antigua, is expected to be set up in Barbuda soon.

The new airport project has not been without controversy. Barbudan activists have been vocal in their opposition, leading to legal challenges aimed at halting construction. The runway’s development began in September 2017, shortly after Hurricane Irma—a Category 5 storm and the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the open Atlantic—devastated the island. In the aftermath, the government evacuated all residents from Barbuda, providing an opportunity to initiate the airport project amidst significant rebuilding efforts.

Activists John Mussington and Jacklyn Frank spearheaded the legal resistance, arguing that the government failed to adequately consult with the people of Barbuda. Their challenge reached the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the highest court of appeal for many Caribbean nations. The court found that Mussington and Frank had sufficient standing to contest the government’s actions, focusing on whether proper consultation and procedural adherence, including obtaining an environmental impact assessment, were conducted.

The Privy Council’s deliberations revealed shortcomings in the government’s approach, particularly its failure to engage the Barbudan community effectively. This issue was compounded by the fact that many Barbudans only learned about the airport’s construction upon their return to the island after Hurricane Irma’s destruction. The government’s perceived bypassing of community consultation and environmental protocols has fueled ongoing tensions.

This new airport is a pivotal infrastructure project for Barbuda, promising to boost the island’s connectivity and economic prospects. However, the legal battles and community opposition underscore the complex interplay between development initiatives and local interests. The government’s stance is that the airport will bring significant benefits, facilitating easier access to the island and potentially stimulating tourism and investment.

As Barbuda anticipates the airport’s opening, the resolution of these disputes and the completion of pending technical requirements remain crucial. The installation of the necessary weather system and final clearance from the ECCAA will be key milestones in the airport’s operational readiness.

Looking forward, the successful integration of the new airport into Barbuda’s landscape will require ongoing dialogue between the government and the local population. Ensuring that the benefits of this significant development are shared and that future projects consider the voices of Barbuda’s residents could help bridge the current divides and foster a more collaborative approach to the island’s development.

In summary, Barbuda’s new airport, set to open soon, marks a major step forward in the island’s post-Irma recovery and future growth. Yet, it stands as a reminder of the need for inclusive and transparent processes in managing the balance between development and community interests.



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